This month on Dispodopolis we discuss the trip that Ryan and I made to Disneyland in October of 2016 and how we were able to attend Mickey’s Halloween Party. Both of us had never experienced one of Disney’s after hours parties and we thoroughly enjoyed our night. Hopefully we can help you have a great night too.
Mickey’s Halloween Parties were introduced in 1995, but only played out for two years. Disneyland once again started holding the parties in 2005 and have had one every year since then. They are a sold out event every year and the night that we attended was no different. Is it worth the money? It is if you enjoy a PG rated Halloween event with shorter than average line waits, love meeting hard to find characters and love trick-or-treating. Keep in mind, we didn’t stand in line to meet any of the character meet and greets because the lines were too long. We enjoyed the park, the parade and the fireworks. The fireworks show, is probably one of the best, if not the best, shows of the year. We also enjoyed a lot, I mean a lot, of trick-or-treating.
This is definitely a family event, but you don’t need kids in tow to enjoy it. Ryan and I had a great time. You do need to enjoy having kids around, but that is true for anyone at anytime when you visit Disneyland. Keep in mind, the kids do start to dwindle after the fireworks show. It is too long of a night for some kids to stay up until midnight. A lot of families get there early around 3pm, since you can enter 3 hours early, before the event begins. Our party didn’t start until 6pm, but on some nights it might start at 7pm. You will need an armband to remain in the park and on the night we attended you could obtain them on Main Street or at the entrance to Frontierland. We didn’t get our arm band until 6pm and we didn’t have to wait in line.
We drive deep into the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay at the Haunted Mansion and talk about our first impressions of the Ghost Galaxy overlay at Space Mountain. Each of them is unique to the west coast park and a special treat to enjoy this time of year. You can ride these rides anytime in the park during the season and don’t have to attend the special event, but the lines are slightly shorter during the event.
Before we jump into our discussion of our night at Mickey’s Halloween Party, we discuss our favorite Disney costume we have worn and/or plan on wearing. We expanded the “Disney” costume to include all of the current Disney properties, since some of us need that parameter. We finish the evening with a quick discussion of how we would dress for our next Mickey’s Halloween Party.
If you have any comments, questions or fun and fancy free thoughts for us, email us at comments@dispodopolis.com. Our moms still haven't sent any questions in yet, so we are relying on anyone out there to help us. Please enjoy our latest podcast, Dispodopolis.

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